in Welcome

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Welcome! The InformationLawGroup is Here

By InfoLawGroup LLP on October 05, 2009

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the InformationLawGroup! The InformationLawGroup is a group of attorneys that love the law and technology. We concentrate on legal issues concerning privacy, data security, information technology, e-commerce and intellectual property. We are a full service firm addressing a broad spectrum of matters, including transactions, compliance, breach notice and incident response and litigation. We come together today after many years in large law firm and in-house roles. We are seasoned attorneys, including former "BigLaw" lawyers, smaller practitioners with clearly defined expertise and reputation in the field, and former in-house lawyers with specific information law experience and talent. These factors result in greatly increased efficiency and better results at a significantly lower price for the firm's clients. So who are we? Read more after the jump.